Saturday, July 05, 2003
For those few of you that know about this, and those fewer that are even interested, here's a status update of the server.
We went up 2 NY to administer the server ourselves... It's approx a 3 hour drive.....
Get there, install the latest SOPHOS binary along with the latest set of IDE's for said binary, and it starts running...
Several mins later it starts reporting tojans and delting files... in stuff like /usr/bin/tar, cat, more, etc....
The thing is, it was deleting a LOT of stuff that I KNEW the os needed... (BTW, it even had infected the running copy of SOPHOS, or so it thought, so it deleted itself)...
N-E-Ways.... A reboot later, and the damn thing won't boot.... Can't mount the drives... shut dunt work.....
So I grab the RedHat 7.3 cd, boot to recsuce disc mode, run, e2fsck on the partitions, reboot, start an upgrade, and find out that I'm like 2 MB short space on the / partition, so I goto a diff terminal desktop and del like 15mb of stuff in the root that I no longer needed.....
Start the upgrade over, and find I'm short about 6mb on the /var partition..... So I del some files......]
Start the install over.... Install fails when trying to install the NetTools rpm.....
So I pull the disc out and clean it......
STart install over, same error....
So I took out the burned copy I brought as backup.......
"No RedHat install media found int the drive"
So I clean that cd.... Still nothing......
So I plug back in the ethernet leads... Try an FTP install...
So now Andromeda-I is sitting here at home where I am having about the same luck as b4... Even wtih new burn cd's.... So I'm trying fresh installs on new drives.....
Results so far:
My new 160GB primary drive out of DIGITAL - partitioned, installed, won't boot.
One of my 80GB drives out of DIGITAL's IDE Raid array - Initialized, then died.... Fdisked, then died... Formatted, then died.... Started installing, then died and rebooted.....
The other 80GB drive out of DIGITAL's IDE Raid array - Not Recognized, not even in bios.
My 4GB backup/travel drive - System just locked up... Have no-idea if it has anything to do with the drive, but that's where things stand at this moment.
N-E-Ways, doesn't look like any real sleep for me tonite... Altho I might grab a short nap later on....
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