Tuesday, March 08, 2005
I just want to cry!
I can't belive this...
On monday, I was told by one of my business partners, that I was to be doing a presentation for the south jersey business assocation... On WEDNESDAY (AKA TOMORROW)....
OK, I decided to to it, as a favor, since he's the current president, and his speaker fell through... Plus, PP&F could ALWAYS use good advertising...
So I decided to make a dialup cellphone link to the net, and do a Q&A, with help from the internet...
KEWL HUH!.... Then I decided, I should do some sort of presentation... Well... I gathered some info, and slides from the net, and put together an 87 slide powerpoint presentation using OpenOffice Impress (Like PowerPoint, but FREE)....
Well, aparently my presentation about virus updates, spam, and cookies v spyware, was too long...
So I killed it to just the 5 basic steps of keeping ur puter tip top (virus updates, windows/mac update, scandisk, defrag, and backup).... Now I have it down to about 57 slides...
Still too long I'm told....
So I guess I could do just the Spam, and Cookies v. Spyware, or 10 tips for diagnosing puter problems.... but the most substantive part of the presentation is the damn 5 basics.... Which I told, would be good for a 1 on 1 situation, but not for a group setting...
N-E-Ways, I'm SEVERYLY fucking depressed at the moment... In fact I'm writing this, in the relative darkness of the bathroom (no lights in here yet, normally use a flashlight to get around)... Just so that Kim doesn't ask what I'm doinging, and I don't have to tell her that I'm updating my blog, altho someone will eventually tell her, someone always does....
n-e-ways, I'm off....
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