Tuesday, March 01, 2005
Long time... No... Life....
Well, it's been a long time, since I updated this thing.... It's partially, my fualt, for not updting it, because, well, like every other journal I have, I get all enthused about it in the beginning, then just slack of.... And it's also partially my fault, for forgeting the user name and password that I used, so I wasn't able to update it when I wanted to... Kim's had plenty of problems since the last time I updated this.... But I'm not going to replay that all there... If you want more info, read her site @

On to me, beause, well, that's what this whole page is about... ME... Right? I mean this is the one place, I can be selfish and antisocial, and be allowed to do it... I mean it is MY page, and this is my place to rant, cry, get pissy, and anything elese I want....

So lets see... If I remember, last I left off, I was just starting prozac... Well now I'm on Prozac, Trileptal, and Ambien.... And I have to go see a shrink every once in a while... Altho I do everything I can, to NOT go to the shrink... I don't know why, but going to see him scares me, I think it has something to with the fact that I lie to him, alot....

He asks me if I have been having thughts about sewercide, and I say "no".... But the truth would be, "YES, OFTEN, ALL THE TIME, SEMI SEVERLY".... But why would I want to go and tell the truth about that.... I really don't want to be locked away.... I mean, if I hurt myself, it's my own problem... No one elses, cept maybee Kim and Bill, but we're not going to go there... I mean, I haven't done anything, and that's what really counts...

Also, I've never told him about being TG, so all he sees is the male me... Which is fine, since he's treating the Manic/Depressive stuff... altho, with me not going to see him, I'm not really even letting him do that...

I try to go see him, every 4 months or so, if I can force myself to.

He's a nice enough guy, and I had no problem in the beginning, but then, I think it's the lying that got to me...

Oh well... Still working at UPS, I'm loading trucks now (whoopie)... but atleast I got a $1/hr raise... which is better than nothing...

n-e-ways, that's all for tonite, now that I found the user name and password, I will try to update this page often, but you all know my habits, plus, it's not like n-e-1 cares.

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