Wednesday, March 02, 2005
Round and Round we go.....
Well, got my but up at 4:00am this morning (actually more lke 4:27 after liberally using the snooze button) got to work, and asked "Do you want to go home?" turns out, everyone actually showed up for work today... Talk about strange... First time so far this year.....

N-E-Ways, I did, and I had a nice long sleep... It was nice being able to wake up at 9am and feeling rested, instead of coming home from work, taking a nap, sleeping till noon, and still feeling like I had been up for days... I'm REALLY gonna need to go see that damn shrink about more sleeping pills soon....

No nightmares last night, thank god... Altho I got REALLY down today, had to do with a discussion about business stuff.... I really think I am reverting back to my always depressive state... But that's a topic for another time...

This is just a quick update, so that I get something down... N-E-Ways, that's all for now...

Kirstyn Amanda Fox.

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