Saturday, May 24, 2008
Kim's Back! (ishk)
Yup! She's back! Mostly, atleast mentally that is.
She's a bit fuzzy still, and has very little energy, but she's eating. Or atleast trying.
She drank her lunch nutrition shake, and tried to eat some solid food, but she can't swallow the solid food because of the feeding tube. They are going to continue the tube feeding still today and tomorrow because of the severe lack of nutrition for the last week, but it will probably come out on monday!
She's still upset at me, but is kinda understanding the need for the tube. She's also starting to ask questions about various things and trying to string the path from point A to point Z together in her head.
Kim is a very bright and intelligent person with a genius level IQ and a great memory for facts and occurences, and seing her not at her full mental state is always scary.
N-e-ways, it's nice to have good news for once, and I will post that info about the following week's plan of action L8r.
-Happy Piper
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