Monday, May 26, 2008
UPenn Cardiac Care Unit
Sorry about not updating the blog after the transfer happened yesterday, but it was a very long, very tiring day....
The doctors, nurses and misc staff on duty @ UPenn's Cardiac Care unit seem just as top notch and attentive as those @ Deborah.
They took a complete hostory, including a lot of details that I was able to relay, gave use some new info and some new theories and this was just the weekend staff!
The main vibe I got is that a) First Task is evaluation for transplant list, which requires them to take a deep look @ the mass on the kidneys. If thats's cancerous, transplant is out (not sure if out forever or out til removed). b) They think they can medicinally fix her heartrate still. They are going to try a few things Deborah hadn't.
Well, time to sign off, I am running a bit lagte and need to head to UPenn for my daily dose of kim...
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Labels: Cancer, Cardiac Care Unit, Kidney, Stuff, Transplant, UPen
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