Wednesday, June 04, 2008
I'd love to tell you I have good news.
Anyways, I told it once, so I'm just going to do my old favorite, and paste a chat-log.
-Begin Chat Log-
(Cat7_) I guess you're there now
(Piper) Just had chat with Me, Bill, Kim and Doc
(Cat7_) k
(Cat7_) with mask on?
(Piper) Doc told Kim everything, and asked her what her goal was before coming here, she said "going home"
(Piper) she asked what Kim's goal is today, Kim said "Living for Tomorrow"
(Piper) Mask off
(Cat7_) k
(Piper) Kim also consented to a traciostimy
(Cat7_) honest, uncomfortably honest
(Cat7_) ok
(Piper) so they are going to see if surgeons will consent.
(Cat7_) why?
(Piper) Get rid of the mask.
(Piper) In theory she will be able to speak, and not have the big iuncomfortable mask afterwards
(Cat7_) k
(Piper) But she can't come off the breathing machine
(Cat7_) until stuff gets better
(Piper) Doc says every time we do that, she is at rishk of going into comma
(Piper) They had her off for 2 hours yesterday
(Piper) and they said the levels were astronomical
(Piper) Ontop of everything, her liver isn't keeping up at the moment
(Piper) and her amonia levels are high
(Piper) they are giving her a medicine that will help her poop out alot of the amonia
-End Chat Log -
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