Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Kim, more Kim, and almost nothing but Kim so help me Kim
As I sit here, waiting for word, from pickles for me to come get him...

I thought i'd update people whith what I knoe from last night.

To kep Kim's blood preassure up high enough to weather the 24/7 dialysis, the have to pump her full of dopamine, milrinone, argatroban, and other medcines...

The problem is they are giving her MORE fluids than they are able to ake off.

The reason being, everytime the up the therapy on the dialysis to remove more fluids, her preassure drops, which means higher dose of dopamine....

On the good side of things....

Kim's back.

She's not happy at the state of things but she's not mad @ me or Pickles

She's awake, fully cognative, and even trying to crack a joke here and there... which is hard over the sound of the BiPaP mask thingy...

N-E-Ways, I wll try and keep everyone up to dates as best I can.


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