Monday, June 02, 2008
Updates and latenight consent....
Sorry about the lack of blog updates, but i've been spending time in the chatroms again and relaying information through there..

Kim's stll n and out mentally and has been really tred a lot....

She's back on the 24/7 Dalysis because when they tried the every other day kind her blood preassure and temp were too low and they weren't actually able to remove any fluid...

As a side affect of the new round of dialysis they thnk they know why the mental confusion.

They send some blood work to the lab and found the acid levels in her blood are too high.

So they are going to put her on a mask to boost the oxygen levels in her lungs and hopefully reduce the acid levels.

Well the reason I know of this development at 1:15am my tme is that inorder to make sure the mask is helping (the next step being intibation) they need to put in an arterial catheter in her wrist, or just do needle pricks every 15mins or so.

The arterial catheter has a lot of positive sides to it, lke being able to measure diferent preassures, but also has one bad side. They need to immobilze her arm so that she can't pull it out accdentally.

I've asked them to put the arteral catheter n her left arm as that's the arm where her pic line is, but just remembered she's left handed..

She's ggonna be mad at me again when she wakes up :(

oh well... I've done a decent bit of writng last couple days.... mybee it'll be redy to post in couple weeks.

-Scared One

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