Sunday, July 27, 2008
Still here...
Still here...
Still Jobless...
Server is actually paying for itself this month (YAY!)
Have DSL for internet still..
Gas bill is in my name now...
Been playing GuildWars with Robyn and Ryan we are the FaerieManor Guild...
It helps to do stuff that Kim and I would have done.
Like play GuildWars.. Or go see movies..
Bill is coping better than me, but I can tell it still hurts for him too.
We don't go more than 2 days without seeing each other... And I'm perfectly happy like that :)
We're running out of movies to go see tho :P
Just wanted to give an update..
I'm actually thinking about writing... Trying to figure out how to continue both MY stories and Kim's stories... She was definately the more creative one...
Anyways... -HUGGLES- I haven't actually slept yet, altho I went to bed about 7hrs ago..
And now I have leaky eyes again.
-Piper/PiggilyTails/Who cares
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
I'm alive... Still....
Sorry for the lack of updates to this blog... But it's hard to think about a lot of things.
I am alive. I am "living" in that I leave the house and do things (tho not as often as I probably should).
Penny (the puppy) is doing okies. She's been doing good on the "chewing herself" front and most the hair is growing back.
I refuse to "MOVE ON" as some people will tell me I need to do, but I will LIVE my life as best I can.
I still cry a lot. But sometimes I can go almost a whole day without crying. But never without remembering.
I love her so much, and it's very very hard to deal with her being gone.
I have a picture of her and me on the desktop of this machine. All 3 monitors. It was taken last year, in Indianapolis, @ the river-walk at night. It was a fun night, with friends and Kim was definitely at her best. And that's how I want to remember her.
Well, I haven't been to sleep yet... it's 9:08am local time right now. I'll probably fall asleep in a couple hours... For a couple hours...
I have Internet again, so those of you I promised emails to will be getting them soon.
I hope to have Kim's website back up soon, but for those that want to remember her words and thoughts on many things now, you can always read her BLOG located here:
N-E-Ways, I'm going to sign off now... My HotPockets are done nuking, and my keyboard is considerably more moist than when I sat down @ this PC.
-Piper/Kirstyn/PiggilyTails/da one with the leaky eyes