Wednesday, August 20, 2008
While Kim was in the hospital....
While Kim was in the hospital, Myself, Bill, and Cat, started working on planning a trip to Florida for when Kim was better... We promised her that we would go to Florida in November, and visit Disney, and Universal, and even watch a Shuttle launch...

This wasn't something new for Kim, she used to live there in fact...

I remember asking her HOW many shuttle launches she'd seen live (Cat wanted to know), and I can't remember her answer, I believe it was more than 5...

I've never been to Disney World (been to Disney Land many times), nor Universal, nor anywhere in the state of FL...

I was so looking forward to Kim showing me around, and telling me the stories of how this got there, and why that looks like that...

That's the way she was... She knew about most everything. There was so much in the world that interested her, and she was able to soak it up and tell you about it later, in such a way that was just amazing...

I know a bit about computers, and a bit about a few other things....

But without Kim, I'd be a clueless idiot on the side of the road.

Kim managed to teach me things that I completely ignore in school. Things that I normally would have found completely boring. But Kim was pure magic.

Anyways, the point of this post is that we are still going through with our plans. Myself, Bill, Cat, Maggie the Kitten, and 2 other friends will all be in FL this November. We plan to do everything we possibly can in a week, including watching the shuttle launch.

I feel a little bit bad, because Kim should DEFINITELY be there, but at the same time, I know it's important that we go, so that Kim knows we weren't just putting her on.

Every day, I feel like I love her more, and I miss her just as much, but as many have advised me, I find I cry less.... But I don't love her less for sure.

Well, this is DEFINITELY not one of those times where I cry less... My eyes are currently burning like mad, and I'm fighting the pain so that I can finish this post. I pray often, and just talk to myself out loud, hoping she can hear me. I miss her much, and love her deeply.

-Piperishk like person drowning in a puddle of tears.

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