Monday, April 28, 2008
Another kim update for the day....
Well the Cardioaversion or TEE (heard it caled both but I guess they could be different) will not happen today. They are going to do a chest x-ray to lok at the fluids on the lungs :)
They are tenatively scheduleing for tomorrow but it's all still up in the air.
The are afraid her oxygen absorbtion is too low for the TEE (which I just found out is when they use a probe through the stomache to check out the heart to check for blockage). They are currently afraid there is a new blockage.. Joy...
The MICU attendings have come by and said she's too healthy to move to MICU which is good, but we never knew they were looking into that... Aparently they might do a drip to remove more fluid. They just lowered her Bumex (diuretic) drip to 1.6mL/hr it was 3.2mL/hr...
They are doing 'blood gas' right now... will post more when I know more.
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Labels: cardioaversion, CHF, deborah, KimEM, MICU, TEE
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